Pros And Cons Of Security Guarding

The main task of a security guard is to ensure the safety of the property or of the employees working at a certain site.
The specifics of the work of a security guard are varied: a person in this position can be part of a group, and can combine two positions as a driver-security guard, bodyguard, and many others.
Also, a guard can be part of the company’s staff and work full-time or be hired to perform single orders.
Plus, the specifics of the work depend on the object – it can be a building under construction, an
enterprise, an office, a shop, a parking lot, and others.
Like any profession, it has advantages and disadvantages!
In this article, we will provide you with a lot of information about such a job, assuming that you are looking for a Denver security guard service company.
Advantages of choosing this profession
A pretty high demand job
Regardless of where you live, you can always find a job in this field. Almost every company is looking for a security guard. The company can be a bank, a bar or a club. Each of these sites wants a guard. And a significant plus is that not all companies want employees with extensive experience. There are many jobs where it is not required.
Good physical shape
In order to adequately fulfill the task, a person in such a position must be in good physical shape , and he must not stop training. A good guard is trained in close combat and has the skills to hold weapons, whether it be melee, firearms, or a club.
Good communication skills
Also, communication skills will be very useful, because the ability to prevent conflict, in the beginning, is much better than resorting to brute force.
Low requirements
In most cases, the profession of a security guard does not make high demands, but still, it depends on the specifics and complexity of the work, and in some cases certain skills are vital.
There are companies in which security guards are hired more for show and they, in fact, do not do any important functions.
But there are also companies that provide guards with the necessary training for the occasion, presentable, as an escort of important or high-ranking persons.
Opportunity for career growth
By going to work at the company as a simple security guard, having gained the needed experience, you can take special courses and grow up to the head of the security service. The skills will give you the opportunity to expand significantly.
Well paid job
In the initial stages, it is hard to make a lot of money, but if you make efforts to improve yourself and accumulate experience, earnings become more possible. Also, working in such a sector can help you start your own business as you will have the chance to work “part-time”.
No special education is needed
Many guys go into this profession after completing their military service. It is not obligatory to have a university degree. Sometimes you must be licensed if you want to work as an armed guard.
Flexible work schedule
These jobs, depending on the specifics, involve a flexible work schedule, which implies the presence of free time for rest, additional income or self-improvement.
Female security guard
There is a possibility of employment for women, but still, preference is given to men.
Disadvantages of the profession
The most important disadvantage that comes to mind is the high degree of risk. It is not uncommon for guards to have to deal with armed people and there is the possibility of physical injury.
Tough schedule
The work schedule suggests the possibility of working at night or for days, such a schedule is complex and it will take time to get used to it.
Feeling bored
There is also an opinion that work in security activities is boring and unpromising
Monotony, as the same actions are performed day after day.
Work is also associated with stress. The worker often experiences emotional stress, because his help may be needed at any time.
If any problem is discovered, the guard is the first to be asked, since it is his job to monitor this.
Some duties of a security guard:
1-To protect all objects, companies, enterprises, shops, and other assets of the company for which he works for.
2-Check documents (passports, passes, and other documents through which you can identify your
identity) of persons who enter and leave the site.
3-In suspicious events, he has the right to take things that can harm other people.
4-Controls the operation of a variety of security and partly fire alarm devices that are installed at the site.
5-Beside the site, they monitor the work of some employees.
6-They check if the surveillance cameras are working.
7- Keeps the records of the guests entering the workplace.
8- Delivers packages delivered to companies to their owners.
9- Prepare the list of equipment required for security and ensure that these materials are provided.
10- Watch the security cameras from the monitor.
11-Reports suspicious people to the police.
What is the salary of a security guard in the US?
Companies pay up to $15 in the US/ per hour. Moreover, salaries differ from one country to another!
Still, the armed security guards’ salaries are set slightly above the minimum wage for newcomers, while unarmed private security guards start with the minimum wage.
However, there are differences in the salaries of employees working in different areas.
Who Can’t Become a Security Guard?
- There is a list of persons not allowed to work in security:
- Persons are declared legally incompetent by the court.
- Those with a criminal record for an intentional crime.
- People with serious illnesses that interfere with the performance of official tasks (for example, the
- absence of one of the limbs, chronic diseases of the nervous system, chronic hearing loss or vision loss).
- People who are under investigation.
How to have an armed or an unarmed security certificate?
Since security guards are responsible for protecting individuals, companies, and valuable assets, they receive training on different subjects such as public relations, law, communication, security systems, disasters, fire, explosives, and fires.
Therefore, those who want to be security guards should apply to the institutions where this training will be given and obtain a certificate.
As we mentioned above, upon successful completion of the training, the candidates have the right to be safe by receiving their certificates.
Guarding is an interesting job!
The main task of a security guard is the safety of trusted property or people. The principle of work of this employee may be different. Often, he combines his main activity with others. For example, there is a driver-security guard.
The security officer constantly has to interact with other employees, and sometimes with law enforcement agencies. Such workers are required to ensure the safety of enterprises, offices, shops, and buildings under construction.
This job is suitable for people of all ages, whether it is a part-time job or the main income. For example, people of retirement age can still work as security guards!
Moreover, such a type of job will require the presence of certain skills or efforts to acquire them.