5 Tips For Decluttering Your Basement

A basement is a wonderful place where you can spend time with your loved ones. You can convert it into a recreational area, a playroom, or even a home theater. However, when your basement is disorganized or feels rather cramped, you’ll need to do a cleanup.
Cleaning and organizing the space may be a tiring job to do, but decluttering isn’t hard to do at all. Though a major cleanup will take time, it just takes several steps to carry out. Rather than viewing it as a chore, think of it as a project that will turn your basement into a cozy hideout where you’ll spend a lot of fun and memorable moments with family and friends.
Once you’ve cleaned and gotten rid of things you no longer need, you’ll feel great, seeing the space all spick and span. Here are some tips you can follow to declutter your basement.
Dispose Of Items You Don’t Need
Before starting the cleanup process, sort out the things you no longer need. You can either throw them or donate them to organizations or charities that will make good use of them. Get some boxes and label them ‘trash,’ ‘donate,’ ‘keep,’ and ‘sell’ to make the process more manageable. Your basement can also need improvement by adding a residential lift.
If it’s hard deciding what to toss out or keep, ask yourself these questions:
- When was the last time I used this item? If you can’t recall when you last used it, it’s time to let go of it.
- Why am I still holding onto this item? Think of the reasons for keeping an item. If the reasons aren’t good enough, get rid of it.
- Do I have enough space? If your space is limited, don’t hesitate to toss out the less valuable items.
- Have I already replaced the item? If you’ve recently replaced the item, toss out the old one.
- Does someone else need it more? If you’re no longer using an item that can still be useful, such as an old book, donate it. What’s no longer valuable to you will be valuable to someone else.
However, if there are things that can be recycled, such as paper and glass, put them in a recycling bin for curbside pickup or in a trash bag for the closest recycling drop-off location.
After putting all the items in their corresponding boxes, you can hire some professionals who offer efficient waste removal services. According to this site, for instance, any sort of trash can be disposed of.
Arrange Your Basement In Sections
The next thing to do is to arrange your basement in sections. Here’s how you can do this:
- Start small: If your basement is too messy, you can break the cleanup process into small sections. Divide the space into small areas and organize them one at a time. For instance, assign one section—the staging area—for sorting. Put all clutter in this spot.
To keep your basement organized long term, create zones for each season. One zone is for fall, and the other for winter. The same goes for spring and summer. Having separate zones will make it easier to access stored things when you need them and keep clutter under control.
- Work 15 minutes at a time: Cleaning and organizing your basement can be a long process if there’s so much to do. To avoid tiring yourself out, try spending 15 minutes at a time on a particular task, like putting all holiday decorations in one corner. Take a break before handling the next task.
- Ask for help: If you find the job overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek help from close friends or family members.
Use Airtight Containers
Since many basements tend to be cold and filled with moisture, make sure you have airtight containers for storing items you intend to keep. Using these containers will keep your belongings in good condition and protect them from crickets and rodents that may damage them.
For better storage, use containers with airtight or hermetic seals. They include:
- Foil pouches
- Cans
- PETE bottles (Made of polyethylene terephthalate, these are plastic bottles used for storing dry food items, like beans, wheat, and corn.)
- Plastic bins or drums
- Turn To Storage Solutions
Storage solutions will make your basement not only more organized but also stylish. One storage solution you’ll find helpful is built-in storage options like furniture that features extra storage. You can add a storage ottoman to the living area in your basement, as well as an entertainment center with drawers and shelves.
If your basement is a playroom, include some baskets, bookshelves, and a toy chest, which will make it easier to organize the children’s stuff in their assigned section.
You can make use of vertical storage too, which can be done in several ways. One way is to build wall shelves. Another approach is to use heavy-duty hooks to hang items from the ceiling. The best part about vertical storage is that it doesn’t just save space—it protects your stuff from water damage in case the basement floods.
Arrange Your Items According To Frequency of Use
After cleaning your basement, organize your items based on the frequency of use. Put the items you rarely use in the back of your basement. These items may include Christmas or Halloween decorations. For stuff that’s used regularly, like paper towels and pantry snacks, put them in front of your basement, so they’re easily accessible.
Your basement can be a great home office space when it’s clean because it offers fewer distractions from other rooms upstairs and often provides you with a very spacious area. Now, if you’re planning to add a home office in the basement, it’s smart to check your local tax office to find out if you can file the renovation under working from home tax deductions. In Australia, home office renovations can be filed as tax deductions if deemed important to your work process.
Bottom Line
Decluttering your basement can be an overwhelming process since you’ll have to arrange and discard a lot of things. But by following these steps, you’ll find the process smooth and less stressful.