What Does an Environmental Consultant Do?

Environmental consultants are responsible for conducting thorough and accurate site assessments, identifying areas that need to be addressed, writing environmental contracts and proposals, educating the public on how to create a sustainable environment, and collaborating with other environmental professionals.
Environmental consultants conduct thorough and accurate site assessments.
An environmental consultant conducts a site assessment to develop a comprehensive understanding of a property or parcel. Once these elements have been assessed, consultants can determine what pre-existing conditions exist and what factors may cause potential problems in the future.
Environmental consultants, for example; Wall Planning which provides Master Plans environmental consulting services, are hired by both private individuals and businesses to perform assessments on their properties. These professionals work with contractors, engineers, developers, real estate agents, attorneys and other professionals involved in construction projects. They often conduct detailed reviews before buying land so that buyers can avoid purchasing contaminated properties (or at least know what they might be buying into).
In addition to identifying any issues, surrounding existing contamination and determining future uses for the property that might present challenges due to contamination concerns (for example: building residential housing over an old landfill), environmental consultants assist clients with meeting regulatory requirements such as clean-up activities under state law or federal law like Superfund sites or former manufacturing facilities that may still contain hazardous waste materials after closing down operations there decades ago!
Identify areas that need to be addressed.
Once you have a good idea of what the environmental consultant will be doing, you’ll want to know how they identify areas that need to be addressed. In addition to identifying sources and types of pollution, they also look at the extent of pollution. This can include things like determining how far away from a river people are getting sick due to chemical runoff.
Write environmental contracts and proposals.
Writing environmental contracts and proposals is a challenging but essential part of being an environmental consultant. A contract is an agreement between two parties, and it outlines the responsibilities, obligations and expectations of each party involved. Proposals are similar to contracts in that they outline how the project will be conducted (with some exceptions).
As an environmental consultant, you’ll need to develop effective agreements that meet your client’s needs while also protecting your company’s interests. Your clients may ask you for several copies of different documents throughout the course of their relationship with you as a consultant.
For example, if a client wants to hire your firm for its expertise in wastewater or solid waste management issues, he might ask you about prices or terms before contracting with your firm. With this in mind—and because we know what goes into writing these kinds of agreements—we thought we would share some tips from our own experience writing them!
Educate the public on how to create a sustainable environment.
Environmental consultants work to educate the public about environmental issues. They may provide information and tips on how to reduce waste and pollution, or help people understand how they can be more environmentally friendly.
Collaborate with other environmental professionals.
This is one of the most important parts of an environmental consultant’s job. Clients hire environmental consultants because they need help understanding how to solve a problem, rather than just having someone interpret test results and tell them what they need to do next. The best consultants have a unique ability to listen carefully, identify what the client wants out of their project, and then use their knowledge and experience (and sometimes their expertise in other areas) to collaborate with others in order to create solutions that work for everyone involved—the client, engineers, architects and contractors; regulatory agencies; community members.
Environmental consultants are valuable assets to any project team, and their contributions are often critical to the success of an environmental assessment. Their expertise enables them to identify areas that need attention and propose solutions for both short-term and long-term goals.